Saturday, December 1, 2007

A little update

Our trip to the States a couple weeks ago was great. I am so glad we went, it was a much hended break and worth every penny. Sean and Kate´s wedding was a throw-down as expected and the Hokies are still marching on. (I am listening to the championship as I write on commercials)

Comming back to Nica has been good too. We are finally getting to where I want to be; I have tons of useful projects going and I have been busy all day every day since my return. This is great for me but a little bad for you all since I don’t have nearly the time I used to for blogging.

We have plenty going on. The big inauguration for the Noble workshop for solar production on December 12th and we are all working like maniacs to get ready, because as usual none if the Nicas were interested in getting anything done until the red alert goes on 2 weeks before. I am working on repairing and tuning up 12 solar cookers so they are ready for use and display at the inauguration. There also a big project that we are all working on to build a gravel paved path way from the highway to the center, which is only about 50 yards but a TON of work! I totally respect the guys who build new roads. I just spent three days under the Nica sun with a pick ax digging ditches. We are also planning all the details of the celebration and all that stuff, which I really don´t like, but its necessary.

My scholarship program is in full swing now, we have finished all our policies and rules and are now receiving applications from the students. We are hoping to pass out between 8 and 12 full scholarships for secondary school to the kids of women in the Mujeres Solares de Totogalpa group.

Along with all that going on Jenny and I decided to join our fellow volunteer buddies Julio and Martin on a crazy overnight full moon hike up the volcano Telica, near the pacific city Leon. The hike deserves its own blog, so I won´t ruin all the fun until I have time to get it down.

Gotta go, Hokies just took the lead! Go Hokies!