Friday, October 12, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away

So it´s been raining for days and days and it is starting to put me into a bad funk. Our laundry has become an insurmountable pile, but even if I wash the clothes, they won´t dry and will mildew. I hate mildew and I smell it everywhere. I have dreams about clean apartments with bathrooms and washing machines. Well, on the good days I do. On the bad days I dream that there are snakes in our bed and I wake up screaming. C.J. says that I talk a lot in my sleep now - mostly stressed or anxious babbling. I´m sure I´m probably grinding my teeth too, but wearing a mouth piece is just so unattractive.

We´ve been trying to make our home more comfortable here. We bought a hammock, which has been a big improvement, but we didn´t get the nice one that we really wanted. When we were in Managua (the last two times) we never had a free minute to buy one, so we settled on a plastic one, sold in Ocotal for 50 cords ($2.50), which Noel said is quite comfortable. He was right, and I was enjoying our hammock until I sat on Charlotte´s again. Now I´m back to really wanting a soft rope hammock.

Around here it just rains and rains. The roads are horrible and my feet are perpetually wet and muddy. I can´t wait to visit the States in November. I´m so excited to see everyone and to enjoy all the comforts of home. It´s going to be hard to come back.